Dont Lose Your Today.
The past is dead and can not be revived, and the future is uncertain. Living in the past and the future is an illusion. Live in the present.
We invariably expect love, admiration, and respect from others. This is not always possible as we have no control over other people's feelings. Learn to love yourself and not judge people according to their attitude to you.
We gladly accept successes but not failures. This is unrealistic as competence is achieved after making some mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes. Learn to forgive yourself and move on.
Dont blame others for your failures and misfortune. Usually, our negative attitudes make us view neutral events negatively. There is a possibility that someone positive in what we see as a problem.
Often, we do not appreciate other people's objectives, priorities or programmes and expect things to always happen our way. Learn to accommodate other opinions.
We sometimes believe that a bad experience in the past can control what happens in future. Get rid of this negativity.
Don't be dependent on luck or divine grace without putting in your best effort. Anxiety sets in, the moment our luck fails us. Miracles happen to the deserving.
The past is dead and can not be revived, and the future is uncertain. Living in the past and the future is an illusion. Live in the present.
We invariably expect love, admiration, and respect from others. This is not always possible as we have no control over other people's feelings. Learn to love yourself and not judge people according to their attitude to you.
We gladly accept successes but not failures. This is unrealistic as competence is achieved after making some mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes. Learn to forgive yourself and move on.
Dont blame others for your failures and misfortune. Usually, our negative attitudes make us view neutral events negatively. There is a possibility that someone positive in what we see as a problem.

We sometimes believe that a bad experience in the past can control what happens in future. Get rid of this negativity.
Don't be dependent on luck or divine grace without putting in your best effort. Anxiety sets in, the moment our luck fails us. Miracles happen to the deserving.